Brain Landscapes
"The ‘noise’ of persistent unwanted negative thoughts and emotions were almost impossible to shift; no amount of mindfulness calmed them. Sometimes painful, always doggedly loud, the relentless subconscious mind hurled fractured memories at me.
Pictures would appear like a high speed self-flicking photo album, bombarding me with not just the image but the corresponding emotion, feeling or sensation. Happening too quickly to catch, pin down or make sense of.
Brain Landscapes are a glimpse of that experience."
Below are a selection of Brain Landscapes images, an MRI scan of Yvonne's brain and the resulting short film clip capturing the persistent 'noise' of unwanted negative thoughts and emotions.
The film was exhibited as part of the neXus 2020: a multi-venue international art exchange organised and curated by Urbanflo Creative, with online galleries at Photofringe and Vrystaatkunstefees.