Look Down
The 'Look Down' series was exhibited as part of INEXTRICABLE (2) an exhibition in the 2016 Brighton Photo Fringe Festival.
The theme explores 'loanwords' in the English language - everyday words firmly entrenched in our vocabulary which have been adopted from another language.
"Yvonne explores the connections between words and images. The photographs alone are intentionally banal and ambiguous. By using the history and meaning of words she highlights other possible meanings within the images."
look (v.)
Old English locian "use the eyes for seeing, gaze, look, behold, spy," from West Germanic *lokjan
down (adv.)
Late Old English shortened form of Old English ofdune "downwards," from dune "from the hill,"
down (n.) A sense development peculiar to English. Used as a preposition since c. 1500. Sense of "depressed mentally" is attested from c. 1600.
shoe (n.)
Old English scoh "shoe," from Proto-Germanic *skokhaz
To stand in someone's shoes "see things from his or her point of view" is attested from 1767.
lace (n.)
early 13c., laz, "cord made of braided or interwoven strands of silk, etc.," from Old French laz "a net, noose, string, cord, tie, ribbon, or snare" and as preserved in shoelace (late 14c.), "piece of cord used to draw together the edges of slits or openings in an article of clothing".
sneaker (n.)
1590s, "one who sneaks," agent noun from sneak (v.). Meaning "rubber-soled shoe" is attested from 1895, American English; earlier sneak (1862), so called because the shoe was noiseless.
The INEXTRICABLE project has been developed and curated by Jenni Lewin-Turner of urbanflo creative.