Make Your Mark
"Make Your Mark is the arts and health programme for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Founded in 2015, the programme delivers and supports a range of arts-based participatory learning opportunities for service users, staff and carers."
I have been working with a team of dedicated staff within the Trust since 2013, first as a service user and now as an artist within my own right. They have supported both my health and artistic journey and I am now able to contribute the future of their arts and health programme and the people they support.

Art Course Focus Group
July 2016
Workshop focus group for Make Your Mark art course leaders and peer trainers.
End of course evaluation for both artists and peer trainers involved in running summer art courses as part of the Recovery College programme run by Yvonne J Foster. Using picture and word collages participants described their thoughts and experiences before, during and after the art courses, and surprises along the way.
Make Your Mark, the arts and health programme for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Recovery College, Education and Training Department, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Make Your Mark Art Courses
Jan - Aug 2016
Make Your Mark art courses as part of the Recovery College programme
Working with Joanna Stevens lead for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trusts' Arts and Health programme Make Your Mark.
Consultant as required at key points during the project
Part of interview panel recruiting artists and research assistant
Participant in artist and peer training day
Co-design focus group questions and process for artists and peer trainers
Assisting focus group sessions
Running end of course evaluation workshop

What Makes Your Heart Sing
Participant in a collaborative art project run by Annis Joslin involving 50 staff and service users with Sussex Partnership NHS Trust. The project started with the question 'What inspires you?' or 'What makes your heart sing?'. Everyone was asked to bring an object connected to those inspirations.
Funded by Heads On and facilitated by Make Your Mark, the arts and health programme for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Commissioned and displayed within the Education and Training Department of the Trust.

Make Your Mark
Jan 2015
A 12 minute film which talks to people involved in the arts about the place of arts in their lives and how the arts make a difference for them and for others.
This film was made for the newly established arts and health program 'Make your Mark' commissioned by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, supported by Heads On, the Trust's charity.
You can view the film here.

A Box of... Wellebration
Sept 2014
A series of 'in ward’ Art Workshops on Wellebration Day (a celebration of wellness held on World Suicide Prevention Day) at Mill View Hospital run by Yvonne J Foster and assisted by the hospital's Art Therapy staff.
Organised and supported by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Friends of Brighton and Hove Hospitals
On permanent display at Mill View Hospital, Hove

A Box of...
June 2014
A collaborative project led by artist Annis Joslin and assisted by Yvonne J Foster inspired by the work of Joseph Cornell.
Part of the Caburn Art Project organised and supported by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Friends of Brighton and Hove Hospitals
A permanent exhibition in the shared spaces and corridors of Caburn Ward, Mill View Hospital, Hove

Upside Down and Inside Out
October 2013
Upside Down and Inside Out - A Portrait of Brighton and Hove
A collaborative exhibition of photographic and collage based work created by service users, staff and carers inspired by and incorporating images from Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.
Led by Artist Annis Joslin, as part of the Mill View Hospital Art Project
On permanent exhibition at Mill View Hospital, Hove